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A select Hebrew chronology comparing A.M. and B.C.E. dates
Anno Mundi Before Common Era Event
0000 3761 Initial Year of Hebrew Calendar
1656 2105 haMabhuwl (the Flood)
1723 2038 `Eber is born
1948 1813 Abram is born
1958 1803 Sarai is born
2018 1743 Terahh at Haran
2023 1738 "Lekh Lekha"
2033 1728 B*riyth (Land)
2034 1727 Yishmael is born
2048 1713 Yitshhaq is born (start 400 years)
2085 1676 Ribqah is born
2108 1653 Ya`aqob is born
2171 1590 Leah & Rahhel are born
2207 1554 12 Tribes & Diynah
2216 1545 Yosef is sold (begin the Bondage)
2229 1532 Yosef as Vizier of Egypt
2309 1452 Yosef was 110 years old
2368 1393 Moshe is born
2448 1313 Exodus (end of Bondage; 400 years up
2488 1273 End 40 year Wandering (Jericho)
2488 1273 Crossing of the Jordan
2515 1246 Yehoshu`a was 110
2655 1106 Deborah (± 20 yrs prophetess)
2821 940 Shimshon (± 10 yrs judge)
2871 890 Sh*muel (prophet / judge)
2882 879 Kingdom of Judah established
2904 857 Dawiyd (± 20 yrs king)
2944 817 Sh*lomo (± 20 yrs emperor
2964 797 Kingdom of Yisrael secedes
3038 723 Eliyahu (± 4.5 yrs
3069 693 Yehu (± 14 yrs Melek Yisrael
3189 572 Yeshayahu (± 22.5 yrs prophet
3205 556 Yisrael scattered
3284 477 Nahum (± 32 yrs prophet
3301 460 Yoshiyahu (± 15.5 yrs Melek Yehudah
3318 443 Yermiyahu (± 20 yrs
3338 423 Temple destroyed
3342 419 Yechezqel (± 10 yrs
3401 360 Zerubbabel
3404 357 ? Purim ?
3408 353 Haggai (± .5 yr & 2nd Temple)
3409 352 Zecharyahu (± 1 yr)
3419 342 Ezra (± 6.5 yrs)
3432 329 Nehemyahu (± 6.5 yrs)
3438 323 Malachi (end of Nebiim)

SR' Yafeu ibn Taom
© 1998 RCAJA® All rights reserved world wide.

chronology Adam Noah Flood Noach Abraham Yaaqob Yacov Jacob Yoseph Yosef Joseph Moses Moshe Moise Moishe Exodus Hebrew date Hebrew year BCE Aera Mundi Anno Mundi Ishmael Isaac Rebecca Sara Sarah Leah Rachel Dina Dinah 40 years crossing the Jordan Joshua Yehoshua Deborah Devorah Samson Sampson Samuel Shmuel David Solomon Shlomo Elijah Isaiah Josiah Jeremiah Ezekiel destruction of the Temple Zachariah Nehemiah

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