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An Hebrew chronology comparing A.M. and B.C.E. dates from 'ADHAM to PESAHH
TORAH Anno Mundi Before Common Era PERSON EVENT Description
GE 05:01 1 3760 'Adham created Adam was formed of earth, animated of G-d's wind
:03 130 3631 Sheth born Adam was 103 yrs old
:06 235 3526 'Enowsh born Seth was 105 yrs old
:09 325 3436 Qeynan born Enosh was 90 yrs old
:12 395 3366 Mahalalel born Kenan was 70 yrs old
:15 460 3301 Yeredh born Mahalalel was 65 yrs old
:18 622 3139 Hhanowkh born Jared was 162 yrs old
:21 687 3074 M*thuwshelahh born Enoch was 65 yrs old
:25 874 2887 Lemekh born Methuselah was 187 yrs old
:05 930 2831 'Adham died Adam lived 930 years
:23 987 2774 Hhanowkh no more Enoch was here 365 years
:08 1042 2719 Sheth died Seth lived 912 years
:28 1056 2705 Noahh born Lamech was 182 yrs old
:11 1140 2621 'Enowsh died Enosh lived 905 years
:14 1235 2526 Qeynan died Kenan lived 910 years
:17 1290 2471 Mahalalel died Mahalalel lived 895 years
:20 1422 2339 Yeredh died Jared lived 962 years
:32 1556 2205 b*nei Noahh born Noah was 500 yrs old
:31 1651 2110 Lemekh died Lamech lived 777 years
:27 1656 2105 M*thuwshelahh died Methuselah lived 969 years
GE 07:06 1656 2105 hamavuwl m2 d17 Noah was 600 yrs old
:17 40 days flood continued; waters increased; ark rose
:24 150 days waters swelled; wind blows and waters subside; deep's fountains and sky's floodgates stopped up
GE 08:04 m7 d17 ark rests on Ararat chain
:05 m10 d1 waters diminishing; mountaintops visable
:06 40 days raven leaves ark; dove returns
:10 7 days dove returns with olive leaf
:12 7 days dove leaves ark for good
:13 1657 2104 m1 d1 waters begin to dry
:13 m2 d27 earth dry
GE 11:10 1658 2103 'Arpakhshadh born Shem was 100 yrs old 2 years after the flood
:12 1693 2068 Shelahh born Arpachshad was 35 yrs old
:14 1723 2038 `Ever born Shela was 30 yrs old
:16 1757 2004 Pelej born Eber was 34 yrs old
:18 1787 1974 R*`uw born Peleg was 30 yrs old
:20 1819 1942 S*ruwj born Reu was 32 yrs old
:22 1849 1912 Nahhowr born Serug was 30 yrs old
:24 1878 1883 Terahh born Nahor was 29 yrs old
:26 1948 1813 b*nei Terahh born Terah was 70 yrs old
GE 11:26 1948 1813 'Avra(ha)m born Terah was 70 yrs old
:19 1996 1765 Pelej died Peleg lived 239 years
:25 1997 1764 Nahhowr died Nahor lived 148 years
GE 09:29 2006 1755 Noahh died Noah lived 950 years
GE 11:31 2018 1743 Terahh moved from Ur to Haran intending to go to Canaan
GE 12:04 2023 1738 'Avram crosses over 75 yrs old; leaves HARAN w/Sarai, Lot, wealth & aquired persons
:06 arrived in land of CANAAN as far as SHECHEM at MOREH's TEREBINTH
:07 H" promises CANAAN to Abram's offspring; 1ST ALTAR built; invokes Who appeared to him
:08 moves to hill country east of BETHEL west of AI; 2ND ALTAR built; invokes H"
:09 journeys by stages toward the NEGEB
:10 EGYPTian sojourn due to famine
:16 ..... aquires sheep, oxen, asses, male & female slaves, she-asses & camels
:17 ..... Pharoah & household plagued on Sarai's account
:20 ..... Abram et. al. escorted out of EGYPT
GE 13:01 in the NEGEB, very rich in cattle, silver & gold
:03 proceeds by stages to 2ND ALTAR site
:11 Abram and Lot seperate
:14 H" promises Abram all land within Abram's sight to Abram & offspring forever
:17 offspring as dust of the earth; commended to walk length and breadth of the land
:18 Abram moves to HEBRON at MAMRE's TEREBINTHs; 3RD ALTAR built
GE 14:13 ABRAM the HEBREW confederate with MAMRE, ESHKOL and ANER the AMORITES
:14 Abram persues Lot's captors as far as DAN
:15 Abram defeats the captors, persuing them as far as HOBAH north of DAMASCUS
:19 Melchizedek's blessing; Abram's tithe
GE 15:01 H" in vision as magen; offspring as the stars
:10 the Pieces
:13 H" says offspring strangers in a land not theirs, enslaved and oppressed, 400 yrs
:16 . offspring return to CANAAN in 4th generation
:18 Covenant of the Pieces; assignment of land to offspring
GE 11:21 2026 1735 R*`uw died Reu lived 239 years
GE 16:03 2033 1728 Sarai barren Sarai was barren 10 yrs; gives Hagar to Abram
:16 2034 1727 Yishmael born Abram was 86 yrs old
GE 17:01 2047 1714 'Avram renamed Abraham was 99 yrs old; H" as El Shaddai, Covenant of Circumcision
:21 Sarai renamed Sarah was 90 yrs old; Isaac promised; Isaac to get covenant
GE 20:01 'Avraham Abraham journeys to the NEGEB; settles between KADESH and SHUR
:02 sojourns in GERAR; Abimelech confiscates Sarah
:14 ..aquires sheep, oxen, male and female slaves, 1000 silver pieces
GE 21:05 2048 1713 Yitshhaq born Abraham was 100 yrs old
GE 11:23 2049 1712 S*ruwj died Serug lived 230 years
:32 2083 1678 Terahh died Terah lived 205 years
GE 23:01 2084 1677 Sarah died Sarah lived 127 years; at KIRYATH-ARBA (now HEBRON)
:15 Avraham onen MACHPELAH bought from Ephron b. Zohar the Hittite for 400 shekels
:20 2088 1673 Rivqah married Isaac was 40 yrs old
GE 11:13 2096 1665 'Arpakhshadh died Arpachshad lived 438 years
GE 25:26 2108 1653 Ya`aqov born Isaac was 60 yrs old; Esau is Jacob's older twin brother
:07 2123 1638 'Avraham died Abraham lived 175 years
GE 11:15 2126 1635 Shelahh died Shela lived 433 years
GE 26:34 2148 1613 `Esaw married Judith b.Beeri & Basemath b.Elon the Hittitesses
GE 11:11 2158 1603 Shem died Shem lived 600 years
GE 25:17 2171 1590 Yishmael died Yishmael lived 137 years
GE 28:05 2185 1576 Ya`aqov servitude Jacob was 77 yrs old; flees Esau after paternal blessing incident to serve Laban
:09 `Esaw married Mahalalath b.Ishmael a.Nebaioth
GE 11:17 2187 1574 `Ever died Eber lived 464 years
GE 29:20 2192 1569 Ya`aqov married Leah by a ruse; Rachel seven days later
:27 servitude agrees to serve Laban 7 more years for other daughter
:32 Leah bore Reuben; Jacob is 84 yrs old
:33 2193 1568 Leah bore Simeon; Jacob is 85 yrs old
:34 Leah bore Levi; Jacob is 85 yrs old
:35 2194 1567 Leah bore Judah; Jacob is 86 yrs old
GE 30:06c2195 c1566 Bilhhah bore Dan
:11c2195 c1566 Zilpah bore Gad
:08c2196 c1565 Bilhhah bore Naphtali
:13c2196 c1565 Zilpah bore Asher
:18c2197 c1564 Leah bore Issachar
:20c2198 c1563 Leah bore Zebulun
:21c2199 c1562 Leah bore Dinah
:24 2199 1562 Rahhel bore Joseph; Jacob is 91 yrs old
:30 2199 1562 Ya`aqov servitude Jacob was 91 yrs old; herder to aquire provisions for his own house
GE 31:41 2205 1556 flight 20 years of service to Laban end
:52 Lavan b*rith not to cross border of GALEB
GE 35:18 2206 1555 Rahhel bore Benjamin
GE 37:02 2216 1545 Yowsef shepherd Joseph was 17 yrs old
:28 2216 1545 sold sold to Ishmaelites by Midianites who raised him from the pit his brothers put him in
GE 35:28 2228 1533 Yitshhaq died Isaac lived 180 years
GE 41:46 2229 1532 Yowsef vizier Joseph was 30 yrs old; begin 7 yrs of plenty
:50<2236 <1525 Asenath bore Ephraim and Manaseh; born before the famine
:54 2236 1525 Mitsraim famine begin 7 yrs of famine
GE 45:06 2238 1523 Yowsef Joseph was 39 yrs old; 2nd year of famine
GE 46:05 Yisrael yarden Israel enters EGYPT
:11 Lewi yarden Levi was 44 yrs old; Gershon, Kohath and Merari accompany their father
GE 47:28 2255 1506 Ya`aqov died Israel lived 147 years
GE 50:22 2309 1452 Yowsef died Joseph lived 110 years; saw Ephraim's 3rd generation; dandled children of Machir b.Manaseh
EX 06:16 2330 1431 Lewi died Levi lived 137 years
EX 02:01<2365 <1396 Amram married Levi's daughter is Amram's aunt
06:20 2368 1393 Yohhevedh bore Moses b.Amram
06:18<2370 <1391 Kohath died Kohath lived 133 years
:20?2448 ?1313 Amram died Amram lived 137 years
EX 07:07 2448 1313 Mosheh pesach Moses was 80 yrs old; Aaron was 83 yrs old
EX 12:41 2448 1313 b*nei Yisrael pesach sojourning of "Benei Yisrael" for 430 years ends


SR' Yafeu ibn Taom
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KEYWORDS chronology Adam Noah Flood Noach Abraham Yaaqob Yacov Jacob Yoseph Yosef Joseph Moses Moshe Moise Moishe Exodus Hebrew date Hebrew year BCE Passover


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