African Influence on Judaism?

There is no Afrikan influence on Judaism. Judaism is an Afrikan
way of life. It was developed in Afrika by an Afrikan people
who spoke an Afrikan language. It was adopted, adapted, then
co-opted by non-Afrikans in a similar fashion that the way of
life of the Yoruba Orisha worship (Vodoun, Santeria, Lacumi,
Condomble, etc) is being co-opted and altered by non-Afrikans
today. To speak of an Afrikan influence on Judaism is like
speaking of an Afrikan influence on Orisha worship. It is not
an Afrikan influence, it is Afrikan.
The Sinai peninsula is clearly within Afrika. It was there
the Israelites claim to receive their oral and written law.
Geologically speaking all of the adjacent Arabian peninsula
clear up to Syria is part of the Afrikan continent. The
Great Rift Valley extends from Mozambique to Syria. Continental
drift of tectonics shows the Arabian plate breaking off
from the continent and colliding into the Asian plate to create
the mountain ranges of Turkey and Armenia.
The Hebrew language belongs to the AfroAsian language family.
The Afrasian language family includes six groups, or branches:
Cushitic, Egyptian, Omotic, Chadic (Hausa), Semitic, and Amazight
(Berber). Even though a correction over earlier names, Afro-Asiatic
is a misnomer because these languages are spoken nowhere in Asia unless
carried there by religious conquest. These are actually NorthEast
Afrikan languages native to Afrika from their southern origin in
the Horn spreading westward to Nigeria and on to Morocco, eastward
to Oman, and northward to Syria.
It's funny that some linguists would speak of a proto-Semitic
language as if it were ancestral to all Afro-Asian languages.
Semitic was actually near the last to seperate from the phylum
roughly 6000 years ago whereas Kushitic became distinct
10,000 years ago. This indicates that proto-Afro-Asiatic
developed in the region of Ethiopia and Somalia and began
splitting by at least 8000 BCE.
Afrasian regions, branches and probable date of split:
Horn of Afrika | - | Kushitic | - | 8th millenium BCE |
Lower Nile Valley | - | Egyptian | - | before the 7th millenium BCE |
Southwest Ethiopia | - | Omotic | - | 7th millenium BCE |
Lake Tschad | - | Hausa | - | 7th millenium BCE |
Arabia/E. Med. | - | Semitic | - | 6th or 5th millenia BCE |
North Afrika | - | Amazight | - | 6th or 5th millenia BCE |
The ritual and folkways described in Torah are very familiar
to the Afrikan peoples all along the Rift Valley. This has
bred confusion in the minds of "lost tribe" hunters who miss
the underlining reality of the common origin of the Hebrews
as a Semite people and the East Afrikans. The East Afrikans
predate the Hebrews. Similarities between them would come from
either common origins or Hebrews borrowing from East Afrikans
not the other way around.
Most of the discourse on the ancient Hebrews is discolored by
20th century sociological interaction between Afrikans in
America and Jewish Americans. It is fueled by this antagonism
much more so than it is based on interpretation of historical,
archaeological, or anthropological evidence. Simply put, it is
There are no Egyptian art pieces depicting Israelites of any
time period. There are only suppositions. However the Assyrians
did leave pictorial records of their conquest of Lachish, a
major city in the kingdom of Judah. Ever since they were found
academicians have raised objections to them based on their own
fanciful ideas of what a Jew must look like. James B.
Pritchard's THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST VOL I is the most easily
accessible book with a plate showing
the leadership of Lachish who are clearly Africoid, as are
the defeated soldiery of Lachish.
Both white people and black people biased against Jews and even
most European Ashkenazi Jews themselves hate to deal with the
reality of the physical identity of the Y*hudiym/Judahites/Jews
in the 8th century BCE.
What serves to confirm the ethnic reality depicted by Assyrian
conquerers is the discovery of an ossuary at Lachish dated to
the time of the conquest. It is the largest sample of Israelite
remains and comes from a city that was populated the previous 500
years by Israelites. 695 crania of all ages and gender were
D. L. Risdon in BIOMETRIKA 1939 31:99-166 reports that the
Lachish cranial series has its closest resemblance to the 4th dynasty
series from Deshasheh and Medum in Lower Egypt and the 18th dynasty
samples from Thebes and Abydos in Upper Egypt. Cranial samples
from other Palestinian sites (Gezer, Megiddo) agree with the
Lachish cranium. Thus we have a clear Afrikan racial continuum
in the Hebrews and Egyptians.
Being in a zone of confluence, the Hebrews were pressed upon
by and intermarried with northern invaders the same as happened
in Egypt. Still, the Hebrew word for father-in-law is hham. Erets
Hham is also the Hebrew for continental Afrika. Much marriage with
Hamite Afrikan females must have took place.
The phrase "black and beautiful"
sh*hhora w*nawa ) originates from a Hebrew document,
Song of Songs 1:5, where an Israelite woman from Shunem
exclaims her sun enhanced ebon beauty to some color and class
struck dusky members of the royal household who kept themselves
behind palace walls out of sunlight. For the Shulammite to have
tanned black she must have already been very brown.
In the midrash (Hebrew legendary lore) Shem teamed up with Hham
in the war against Yapheth, progenitor of the northern people
of pallour. The PIRQE DE RABBI ELIEZER 28a classes Shem with
people of colour. It says that Shem was especially blessed black
and beautiful, Hham was blessed black like the raven, and Yapheth
was blessed white all over.
Josephus, a Judahite writer of the 1st century CE, agrees with
Cherilus' description of Israelites conscripted into Xerxes' army
as having the visage of "smoke hardened horseheads." This refered to
their high cheekbones and prominent jaws, as seen in the conquest of
Lachish depictions, and their smokey "soot" dark complexions
(Against Apion I.22). Tacitus, a younger contemporary of Josephus,
lists common Roman opinions on Jewish origins. He wrote that many
were assured Judahites were descendents of Kushites (The Histories
V.2). Is this a view lurking within Amos 9:7?
Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel?
saith the LORD. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt?
and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir?
The idea that the Israelites preferred or saw themselves as
Caucasian comes from viewing too many European Renaissance
fanciful paintings of Bible stories and East Mediterranean
Any anti-black prejudice and affiliation with Caucasians in
preference to other Shemites and the Hhamites enters Judaism
when, as worded by Dio Cassius,
Roman History 37:17:1
"other men, who, although of
a different race, have adopted the laws of the people." Today
the still dark skinned Jews of the Maghreb, Ethiopia, Yemen,
and India, suffer at the hands of those who adopted the laws
of the people and came to take over the leadership by the same
process that Chancellor Williams delineates in DESTRUCTION OF
There is little love lost between Muslim North Africans and Sephardi/Maghrebi
Jewry or between Afro-centrist African Americans and Ashkenazi Jewry. These
conflicts cannot be used to falsify the historic truth of the Afrikan
origin of the Hebrew people, their tribal way of life, and language. To
do so is as much racialist propaganda as that of the Eurocentric thinkers
we seek to eliminate with non-ethnocentric studies and disciplines. Thus
our aim is not to deny the prescense of white elements among the ancient
Israelites but to uncover the neglected facts of Hebrew origins.

SR' Yafeu ibn Taom
© 2002 RCAJA® for the Ta Seti list, revised 2003. © 2003 All rights reserved world wide.
Miocene jpeg © 2002
C. R. Scotese, PALEOMAP Project

POSTSCRIPT: The Proto-Afrasians 10,000 BCE
Let us try to illustrate the operation of this method with the findings
obtained in the course of studies of the homeland of the speakers of
Proto-Afrasian (or Afrasiatic or Semito-Hamitic). The Proto-Afrasian
language is the ancestor of the large Semito-Hamitic family of languages
that includes six groups, or branches:Semitic, Cushitic, Omotic,
Berber-Canarian, Chadic, Egyptian in Alexander Militarev's reconstruction.
So, what do modern linguists make of human life in the Eastern Mediterranean
some twelve thousand years ago? Let us first briefly recall what is known
about that age from the more traditional disciplines.
One of the greatest revolutions of human history--the Neolithic Revolution,
or the change from the appropriating economy to the producing one, took
place in this region around the turn of the 10th millennium. Most data
about this period come from archaeology (whose findings have limited use
to a historian of intellectual culture or social life), the earliest written
monuments beginning from the 3rd millennium (from which scholars gleam
bits of information about much earlier times), and modern ethnographic
descriptions of the life of the so-called primitive peoples of the present
time--which may, or may not, resemble the “primitive” ancestors of ours
of much earlier periods.
the claim of some archaeologists, historical linguists insist that humans
inhabiting the Earth at the turn of the 10th millennium were not primitive
at all.
ancestors of ours were skilled hunters who knew how to use spears, lances
and bows. They lived, or, rather, roamed about in groups pursuing their
hoofed prey--the antelopes, deer, chamois, goats, sheep, asses and, probably,
even camels or elephants. They also knew how to domesticate goats, sheep,
donkeys, relying on the help of their four-legged friends and pets--the
supplement their meat diet, the ancient Protoafrasians collected the grain
of wild cereals and fruits of other plants, but also, using hoes, grew
barley, several kinds of wheat and, very likely, leguminous plants. They
used reaping hooks to harvest their crops and made flour from cereals.
They knew how to set up traps to catch birds and gathered bird eggs. They
used animal and vegetable fats and fermented what was probably barley
in the Proto-Afrasians lexicon testify to their ability to wield flint
implements and work with wood, to weave and saw all kinds of vegetable
materials, wool and hides. They wore clothes and sandals and headgear.
lived in tents and in more sedentary dwellings with lockable doors in
big enough walled settlements—one out of many words in various Afrasian
languages there is only one meaning ‘town’. This word--*kary--is the same
in Semitic, Berber and Chadic, implying the common—Proto-Afrasian--origin
of this term.
another group of terms indicates a developed system of intra-family relations,
including some rudiments of marriage (probably polygamous) and relations
based on ownership-- there were 'poor' and 'rich' Proto-Afrasians twelve
thousand years ago. Consequently, there are strong indications that those
people lived in a society marked with a developed social structure, or
the linguistic sources point to the existence, or familiarity, of the
ancients with music and ritual dancing and of strong elements of magic
influencing their spiritual life.
Berber Jews of Algeria