Israelite Presence on the Internet


This paper is written with three media in mind. Each medium has its own format. The weight of adherence is deferred to the web page although this piece utilizes design from the other formats as well. As we move into the 21st century the print media will more and more come to conform to the web page. Currently, the commercial print medium also maintain web sites and universities are noted for their factual online databases. Welcome to the personal computer age where "those who reject knowledge, science and logic will have no place to hide as global communications pervade every nook and cranny of even the most remote and controlled self-imposed ghetto." 1


In the course of this paper some of the readily available World Wide Web sites pertaining primarily to Israelites of the West Afrikan Diaspora transported to the Americas are visited. A simple guide to search engines is offered as a practicle route to Judaic and Africana sites. Some comments on site contents and relevancy to Hokhmei Yisrael are also included.

The focus will be on pages authored by or sites maintained by the particular Israelite group itself. Unfortunately this leaves out NACOEJ's Beta Israel site because for some reason the owner is reluctant to let the Ethiopian Diaspora speak for itself without prompting or censorship.

Defining the word Israelite

Many modern ideas

If Israelite presense is to be ascertained a limiting definition of the term must be given for the sake of clarity. When the word Israelite is mentioned who or what comes to mind? The answer to that question will vary according to the world view of the respondent. Common perceptions would include firstly the ancient people written of in the Bible. Some would make a distinction between Jews and Israelites, both mentioned in the Bible. Some will instantly proclaim the north west Europeans. Others will point out numerous Afrikan groups. Many will look to the hillsmen of western Asia or even the original American peoples. For some, rarely does the modern day Jew or Israeli come to mind.

It's easy to see that Israelite is a loaded term not at all meaning the same thing without a known context or frame of reference. The above examples show the differences re one raised in a Christian, Muslim or Jewish country.

Many of the religious white supremacists of the Christian Identity movement 2 claim to be the Israelites and back their claim with citations from prophecy and history. They are usually thought of as an outgrowth of the Anglo-Israelite movement. 3 The Latter Day Saints religion once filled this need of the north west Europeans in the United States. It developed in the era of Manifest Destiny and was religious, nationalist and racist, though of late renouncing the curse on the "red" and "black" still explicit in their Book of Mormon. 4 To continue with the Christian Identity view of Israelite, they distinguish Israelite from Jew. They regard the Jew as demonic and the source of all evil on the physical plain, while they as Israelites, are G-d's gift to the universe. However, they don't believe the Jew took over their homeland and identity, since they also view themselves as Saxons, Teutons, etc., i.e. Nordic tribesman.

The historian and archeologist narrowly perceive the Israelite as an inhabitant of the eastern Mediterranean kingdom of the same name spanning a mere 300 year interval. For them, the Israelites ceased existing over 2700 years ago. Also, in their view, there is no relationship between Jews and Israelites. The two peoples simply share a common history of invading Canaan land, federating and justifying it with a religio-political fabrication called the Hebrew Bible. 5

The anthropologist tells us there are no physical remains in that region recognizable as Israelite. 6 (S)he can only see people similar to certain semito-Hamitic language speakers inhabiting the region today and a few types no longer in the area who have been absorbed or are extinct.

Most in the European world see the Israelite in two different modes simultaneously. On the one hand, physical Israel is the "Lost Ten Tribes", dispersed among the nations after the destruction of their kingdom. Then on the other hand, spiritual Israel is their very own Christian community.

The Israelites in this paper

So, who are the Israelites? First, let's examine the supposed origin of the word. Israelite is the state of being a descendent of Israel. We cannot dismiss the Hebrew Scricptures centrality in this issue. Since the Hebrew Scriptures belong to the Hebrew people and this author is a Hebrew, the topic will be examined through a Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish world view without apology.

The Hebrew Patriarch Ya`aqob (Jacob) had his name changed to Yisra'el (Israel) by none other than Hashem. Ya`aqob had twelve noted sons, each in turn a patriarch of a tribe to bear his name. Yosef's tribe was split into halves, each named for one of his sons. The tribes emerged from Egyptian slavery as a nation and appropriated Canaan land as commanded by Hashem. Unwilling to accept the ascendancy of the Y*hudiy (Judahite) family of Dawiyd (David), the Solomonic Empire split into two nations. The majority Medina Yisra'el (Kingdom of Israel) and the minority Medina Y*hudah (Kingdom of Judah). By no means did the Y*hudhiym cease to be Yisra'eliym. When Medina Yisra'el was laid waste by Hashem's agents, the Assyrians. The Assyrians saw no need to deport the common folk and mostly resettled only those capable of running a nation. Total depopulation was not Assyria's goal. Transpopulation may be a better word. The Assyrians always left a conquered remnant to dilute with exiles immigrated from other conquered peoples. Despite their antipathy toward Y*hudiym, the refugee Yisra'eliym did not desire amalgamation into a new people. Consequently, many Yisra'eliym sought refuge in Medina Y*hudah before, during and after the conquest.

At no time was the identity Yisra'eli (Israelite) lost. The prophets in Medina Y*hudah refer to the citizens as specifically Y*hudiym and over all as Yisra'eliym regardless of tribal origins. The inhabitants of Medina Y*hudah saw themselves in one of three categories; Kohani, Lewi or Yisra'eli from at least the time period of Ezra haSofer. Yet each category did not reject the title Y*hudi (Jew) because it was the name of the nation state.

The case is different for the scattered tribes of the former Medina Yisra'el. They refuse to be called Y*hudi by themselves or by any who come in contact with them. They having rejected the scepter of Y*hudah know not and would not know of the religious developments since their exile. They reject Rabbinic Judaism as a foreign entity, forgetting their own apostacy at Bethel and Dan.

The Israelites are any descendents of Jacob but are all the Jews Israelites?

Later in history after their own conquest and exhile, the Y*hudiym encouraged many peoples not descended from Ya`aqob to join them. What they were actually doing was displacing other people's gods and goddesses concept with the worship of the only G-d Hashem. And imagine, enough people joining another people who don't even have so much as a country to call their own, and it happened so frequently without marriage involved. Now those who joined the Y*hudiym but never married a Y*hudi or were not slaves of a Y*hudi family, their offspring are not Yisra'eliym even though by oath of nationality they truly were Y*hudiym.7

Searching the Net

Crawlers or Search Engines

Most servers offer one or a choice of search engines. Some of the more popular simple search engines are: For research purposes it's neccessary to use one of the more powerful multithreaded search engines that incorporate several of the simple search engines. The author uses:
  1. MetaCrawler which uses:
    • the above listed simple search engines
    • Galaxy
    • Inktomi
    • OpenText
    Metacrawler is an efficient and very accurate ranker.
    It returns the results on pages each having up to 30 hits.
  2. Metasearch which uses:
    • the above listed simple search engines except Excite
    • OpenText
    • TradeWave
    Metasearch yields one long form with each of the listed services own form for further tweaking.
    The results conform to the page specification of the service retrieving them.
  3. SavvySearch which uses:
    • twenty-five search engines including the above listed
    SavvySearch returns all results to one page.
    It also provides paths to the relevant search engines.
    It's sort of a combination of MetaCrawler and Metasearch.
Search results may not be as plentiful as the user's expectations. If the web site was not prepared by a knowledgeable web master or experienced programmer, the various methods employed by search engines could very well miss the site or return it with a low relevancy figure.

Remember that each of these multithreaded search engines is unique. Although many of the same results appear in all crawlers, each crawler will pull results not to be found on one of the other crawlers.

There's a multithreaded search engine Dogpile , which despite its distasteful name is a superb tool and highly recommended.

Search keys

Trying to find Israelite web sites can be tiring and irksome without a method. For instance a search on the word "Jew" can easily return over a thousand hits. Needless to say no one will ever visit many more than 10 - 20 of those sites. In determining where to visit, consider the relevancy rating or rank. The rank may be listed as a number or a percentage. Extremely low ranked hits may rarely lead to a real jewel. Generally though, stop visiting once the rank is below 500 or 50%.

The most interesting thing about the search on "Israelite" is that the relevant hits are preponderantly about Christianity, Christian Identity, Bible studies and archaeology. The only Israelite authored sites adhering to Hoqmei Yisrael were from Beth Elohim (Rabbi Sholomo Levy) and Beged Ivri (Reuven Prager). The Rambam's numbering of the 613 Misswoth turned up in an Ashkenazi authored site (Mitzva Mania).

The type of search logic employed will slightly alter single word search results. Is the search for any occurence of the key, all occurences, or a phrase? Is it desired to seek the key within other words? For instance Israelite appears within Israelites. Should the search be so extensive as to include the maximum number of results from each source? How long should the search proceed before timing out. These are all parameter variables the user can specify and depend upon the users resources.

Specifying multiple keys will narrow the search. Alternate spellings and foreign language spellings make the results more inclusive while retaining relevancy. For an optimum result page on the Israelites from the Mediterranean Diaspora (northern Afrika, western Asia and southern Europe):

The results from one search often suggest clues for keywords for another search.

Key Sites

These, in my opinion key search result, sites will be analyzed at a future date. There is no connection between them nor does one neccessarily recognize another as a co-religionist. They were picked because they are representive of Sepharadi/Oriental or "Black" American Israelite sites.

Midrash ben Ish Hai
Moroccan Sephardic Page
Alliance of Black Jews
HomePage for Black Jews, Hebrews and Israelites
Original African Hebrew Israelite HomePage
House of Israel
Indian Jewry


In this our prelimi nary survey of Israelite web pages we have seen many proclaiming themselves as Israelites. We have limited recognition to those of known Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish ethnicity or heritage. Perusing the contents of West Afrikan Diaspora Israelites homepages shows the diversity of that group. They differ in ethnicity, philosophy and doctrine. There is a saying that a Jew is a Jew even if (s)he sins. This is to say that doctrine does not preclude one from membership in `Am Yisra'el. However, a certain stigma attaches itself to Israelites practicing forms outside of Rabbinic Judaism. In extreme cases this negates all rights an Israelite is entitled to by birth. There is a developing trend to eschew all "religious" developments after the fall of Medina Yisra'el. While discrediting the rabbinate a few have adopted the Greek Scriptures and their protagonist, never seeming to realize that that man's lifetime was in a period when almost all the rabbinic norms were in place.

Keep in mind that this survey will be downlevel within six months. Sites come and go as the feasability of retaining a dedicated server to host the site varies. If a search brings vital data save it to file or print it. It may not be there later. Be sure to note a site's URL to decrease difficulties accessing it later.


ALBRIGHT, Wm F., The Archaeology of Palestine, Baltimore, Penguin Books, 1954.
BOULE,Marcellin & VALLOIS, Henri V., Fossil Men, London, Thames & Hudson, 1957.
NEGEV, Avraham, The Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land, Prentice Hall, New York, 1990.
SHAPIRO, Harry L., The Jewish People, Paris, UNESCO, 1960.


  1. Ben-David, Yirmiyahu, 1997. Visit the Netzarim Virtual Community Reception page or return to text
  2. Peters, Peter J., circa 1995 ? Visit the Scriptures for America and their Basic Identity Information pages or return to text
  3. Visit the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance Anglo-Israelism page or return to text
  4. Lindsay, Jeff, 1995. FAQ about Latter Day Saints on race or return to text
  5. Sachar, Abram L., 1967 5th ed. pp. 10, 23, 85-90. return to text
  6. Boule & Vallois, 1957 p.380
    Shapiro, 1960 pp.35-42 return to text
  7. B. Kid. Sonc. Ed. 77a return to text

SR' Yafeu ibn Taom
� 1997 RCAJA� for the Israelite Rabbinical Academy . All rights reserved world wide.