The Elevation of Circumcision

Egyptian civilization pre-dates the start of Hebrew culture.
That in itself has no bearing on which people birthed the
rite. Abraham's time period is circa 1714 BCE. Credit his
obedience to HaShem's command as the origin of Hebrew
circumcision though the Pharisaic enactment of p*ri'ah
gives the finished product the distinct look it has today
and prevents epispasm.
These are some of the circumstances from the Genesis account.
Abram is 99 years old. El Shaddai establishes yet another in
a series of covenants with Abram, promising prolific increase
of Abram'sprogency to the point of many nations. El Shaddai
gives Abram a name, Abraham, signifying his fathering of nations.
Abraham's seed is to worship El in perpetuity. Circumcision
is the visible sign throughout generations of the covenant
with El. All males in the household, whether born or bought,
are to be circumcised, the newborns at eight days old. Failure
to circumcise is tantamount to severance from the kinship
group. Abraham is promised a son from his Syrian wife to
whom this covenant will apply in succession. Sarah's son
is engendered by Abraham now perfected by the covenant of
Abraham already has a thirteen year old son from an Egyptian
mother. Ishmael's mother Hagar was the daughter of a pharaoh.
Circumcision, though not practiced then by Syrians as
evidenced in Abrams lack of it, was an Egyptian custom. A
sixth dynasty tomb, the mastaba of Ankhmahor at Saqqara, circa
2250 BCE has a relief depicting a couple of 13 year olds undergoing
the rite implemented by flint knives.
The Egyptian priesthood and nobility routinely circumcised.
Other classes in their society often followed suit. Their
cut was often a dorsal slit that exposed the glans not a complete
removal of the foreskin.
Use of stone knives instead of metal ones may hint of stone age origins.
The rite was practiced by the indigenees of Australia and New Guinea.
Herodotus comments that Egyptians and Ethiopians have been circumcising
from remote antiquity. He can't discern which of the two originated the
operation. He does notice that the Phoenicians dropped the habit. He also
mentions circumcising Syrians who admit they adopted the custom from
Egyptians (History 2.104). Josephus' interpretation recognizes
the Judeans as the only circumcising Syrians (Antiquities 8.10.3,
Against Apion 1.22).
The Libyans may have also practiced a form of circumcision
in ancient times. The lower register of the reverse side
of the
Narmer palette
c. 3100 BCE delineates the nude glans
of a fleeing(?) Libyan. Later Egyptian records note Libyans as
uncircumcised and their foreskinned penes were counted war
trophies (as Saul was to demand of David for Michal's hand).
Circumcision, or lack thereof, may reflect a cultural
difference between the earliest Tehenou indigenous Libyans and the later
Tamahou Libyan peoples who were mixed with Indo-European refugees.
Much later records from the Greeks note troglodytes in the interior of
Libya who did circumcise. Would there already be troglodyte Jews in Libya
c. 3rd or 4th century CE?
'Libyans, slain, whose uncircumcised phalli were carried off, 6359'
Merenptah's Karnak inscription
... it pleased David well to be the king's son-in-law. ...
and David arose and went, he and his men, and slew of the Philistines
two hundred men; and David brought their foreskins, and they gave them in
full number to the king, that he might be the king's son-in-law.
And Saul gave him Michal his daughter to wife.
And Saul saw and knew that HaShem was with David;
and Michal Saul's daughter loved him.
I Samuel 18:26-28
Excepting most of the Imazighen and Semites, the Afrasians
of ancient record circumcised, the northwest Semites somewhat
reluctantly so upon Egyptian instigation. Was Hagar displeased
at Abram's remiss concerning Ishmael's impending circumcision? Hagar
had no problem bringing on the drama. Did HaShem thus redefine
circumcision so that this heretofore rite of puberty would not
happen with that significance in the household of the progenitor
of His covenant people? A rite practiced by many non-Afrasian
Africans, but without its corollary clitorectomy, was elevated from
a sexual maturity / sexual balance and arrival of adult
responsibility significance to the physical sign of a spiritual
compact with the Almighty reassuring earlier promised physical
blessings of nationhood and land rights. Ishmael gets
circumcised not due to any badgering from his mother but
indirectly by command of God.
Like the Phoenicians involved in Aegean trade, the Israelites
dropped the practice sometime during their 210 year sojourn
in Egypt. Only the tribe of Lewi continued the custom. Moses,
a Lewi, was circumcised but it took the bloody protective
act of Ssiporah to save her husband's (and/or their son's) life. Moses
was raised as an Egyptian. He neglected to circumcise their
new born son Eleazar on schedule. The duty is discharged by
his Arabian Kushite wife also
descended from Abraham who was
commanded to perform it on infants. Only before partaking of
the Passover does the whole house of Israel once again
undergo circumcision. Decades later, Joshua will again
initiate a whole generation of males into the covenant as
they enter the covenant land. This generational cycling for
circumcision disregarding the actual age of the individuals
involved resembles that of Africans who have age-grade societies.
Elements of circumcision as modified and made holy by El
Shaddai retain their universal meaning. The primitive
custom and practice yields to ways that will be acceptable
to future generations in a socially evolving ever more
sophisticated world. Modes of circumcison as practiced from
times immemorial by
some Pacific Islanders, South Asians, and Inner Afrikans
would not spread and become universal as the Semite method
of Jews and Muslims, adopted even by the western medical field.
But unlike westerners, foreskins and pigs remain revoltingly
disgusting for Semite Jews and Muslims from the House of

SR' Yafeu ibn Taom
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KEYWORDS: Zipporah Ziporah Tziporah Zipora Tziporah Levi